Wisconsin Drug Card Media Center

Wisconsin Drug Card, powered by United Networks of America, Presents Donation to Gundersen Health System
On Friday, October 15th, Wisconsin Drug Card representative Carole Unis traveled to La Crosse, WI to participate in Gundersen Health System’s Radiothon. She volunteered her time to help raise funds for the hospital by answering phones and collecting donations from callers. Separate from the radiothon, Carole also had the opportunity to present a check to CMN Program Director, Rena Cash, for donations raised by Wisconsin Drug Card and United Networks of America. Such donations help provide critical treatment and care that help make their patients’ stay as comfortable as possible.

United Networks of America is one of the largest providers of value added managed care products and services in the United States. Since 1993, United Networks of America has continued to grow its network to more than 240,000 participating providers serving more than 120.1 million members across the United States of America, Puerto Rico, Guam, and U.S. Virgin Islands. The diverse membership base is a testament to the versatility and value of those networks. United Networks of America clients include TPA’s, insurance companies, associations, universities, federal and state governments, school systems, large employers, among others. Each year, United Networks of America programs continue to receive the highest rankings in the country among value added programs. For more information on United Networks of America please click here